Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tagged by SP

1. Do you ever lie about your age?
>No point in lying, no one can escape from aging.

2. Do you prefer “sensitive girls” or “tough girls”?
>Both, but not to the extreme.

3. Do you prefer blonde or dark haired girls?
>Dark haired, though blonde hair looks nice.

4. Are you currently single?

5. How many things in your past do you regret?
>I wonder...

6. Do you have a best friend?
> Define best friend.

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
>An engineer or anything related to my field.

8. Who was the last person you hugged?
>My mum.

9. Have you ever had your heart broken?
>Yes and I’m not upset, there’s a long story behind it.

10. Have you ever thought about having plastic surgery?

11. Do you like your life?
>Yes and no.

12. Do you shop at Hollister?
>http://www.google.com.my/search?hl=en&q=hollister&meta= ?

13. Has one of your friends ever stolen a girlfriend from you?
>I never met my girlfriend before, for 2 years. What a joke.

14. Has one of your friends ever stabbed you in the back?
>Yes, not one but many.

15. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
>1:1 ratio

16. How long have you had friendster?

17. Have you ever cheated on someone?

18. Has anyone ever cheated on you?

19. Have you ever slapped a girl in the face?
>“Slapping” with disco dust during end of semester in secondary school.

20. What is one of your biggest fears?
>Bored to death.

21. Have you ever skipped a class?
>Yes, not one but many.

22. Has anyone close to you ever passed away?
>Yes. My beloved uncle, probably the uncle I favored the most among the others.

23. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
>Maybe I did, or didn’t.

24. Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head?
>Yes, but couldn’t be bothered unless I am too free.

25. Do you believe in the saying “once a cheater, always a cheater”?
>Everyone is a natural-born cheater, the only difference is whether they got caught or not.

26. Have you ever had a good feeling about something and it turned out that you were right?

27. Do you ever wish you were famous?
>I intend to keep a low profile.

28. Do u ever wish u were a girl?
>Only when I wish to understand girls more.

29. Do you think women smell nice in perfume?
>Yes, but not too strong ones.

30. Tag 5 people...
>Since most bloggers I know of are already tagged, then let this be one dead end, sorry.

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