Not to be busybody but... I find it very stupid to whoever did that.
My friend setup a tag-board happily just like mine for chatting purposes and leaving messages. Then, there's this idiot that flamed my friend saying stuffs like he knows this and that, criticizes this and that. I was thinking, who was that person who's doing all this. While my friend went mad and close down the tag-board. He even changed his blog URL. So that means no one will know his blog except maybe his close friends. Well, actually there's another way to his blog, which is through my blog.
Well, to cut things short. Here is what I am going to say it right at your face (to the person who flamed my friend if you happen to read my blog or just pass by) -
From the way you talk, you sound like a kid or maybe just a person with... say 9 years old thinking? You know, the internet is a very vast network, linking everyone and everything together. It may be impossible to track you down, but heck, why do you flame him behind your computer? If you have the guts, go flame my friend directly at his face. I find it very stupid to just flame someone in the tag-board and cowardly name yourself 'SOMEONE' which makes you look more stupid and retarded than ever.
Going hardcore with the internet is like a race in the Special Olympics, eventhough you won the race, you are still retarded. Grow up.
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