Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Day 3 Today's Obstacle:
Physics A

Next Obstacle (paper):
Finite Mathematics A

Rank of Difficulty (Easy 0-5 Hard):

Question Type:
No MCQ like Physics A, will answer in booklets too. Number of questions to answer remains a mystery...

Methods of studying this subject:
Do the tutorials and understand them.

Chances of passing Physics A?
Slim chance, clinging on to faith. I've already prayed before and after the exams. I've tried my best, no more regrets. God knows best for me.


Day 4 is not here yet, at least I felt lifted up after Physics test. Do hope Miss Adriana Lai will show mercy to all of 'us'. Thinking of Finite Maths will lead to the most popular and golden phrase of our lecturer, Miss Grace Ting. - Total Silence Please.

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