I wanted to blog about this movie 1 week ago but couldn’t find the motivation to start it…
Its called ‘The Bucket List’
I doubt anyone reading this will go and watch this movie so I’ll just go on with the summary. (You may skip this part if you are totally not interested in it.)
The story revolves around 2 man, Edward Cole, a multi-millionaire hospital magnate and Carter Chambers, a common mechanic.
Carter is a gifted historian whose ambition is to be a history professor but during his youth, he was “broke, black, and with a baby arriving” so he had to give up his ambition and took up any job available to him.
As for Edward, he is a corporate tycoon, divorced four times, an eccentric loner, whose daughter refuses to recognize him as her father and enjoys tormenting his personal assistant/valet, Matthew, whom he prefer to call as Thomas. He also enjoys the “world’s rarest coffee, The “Kopi Luwak”.
It began when both of them are diagnosed with cancer and placed in the same room of Edward’s hospital. As time passes by, they became friends while undergoing their respective treatments. Edward is fast in befriending Carter when he told his personal assistant, Matthew to serve his newfound friend – Carter too. He even told his doctor to familiarize himself with Carter’s current health condition.
Carter then begins to write a “bucket list” which is also known as “things to accomplish before kicking the bucket.” He is questioned by Edward regarding what he is writing on that piece of paper (the bucket list), which he politely refuses to tell.
When both are diagnosed with a maximum of one year to live, and Carter knows of it, he was upset and crumples his “bucket list” and tosses it on the floor. Matthew came in the next day, noticing the floor is a mess and picks everything up and passes them to Edward, who is curious to find out what is written in that piece of paper. Edward then began to add more items into the list like sky diving, visiting the pyramids, going on a safari in
The bucket list :
- Witness something truly majestic
- Help a complete stranger for a common good
- Laugh till I cry
- Drive a Shelby Mustang
- Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world
- Get a tattoo
- Skydiving
- Visit Stonehenge
- Spend a week at Louvre
- See Rome
- See the pyramids
- Get back in touch (previously "Hunt the big cat")
They started with skydiving (each with an instructor), where Carter is afraid of dying and pulls the parachute cord before the red zone while Edward refuses to pull his parachute strap even when his instructor insists that he has to pull it. After climbing the pyramids, Edward proposed that they cross off “Witness something truly majestic” as they sat down. Carter declines. During that period of time, they learn from each other and talked about their family. Edward said that he is deeply hurt when his one and only daughter disowned him after he sent men to “deal” with her abusive husband. As for Carter, he said that he felt distant with his wife.
When in
Their family reunion is short-lived though because Carter suffers a seizure while in preparation for a romantic interlude with his wife. He is rushed to the hospital and it is noted that the cancer has spread to his brain. Edward (who is in complete remission) paid a visit to Carter, where he reveals the origin and the factors that contributed the unique aroma and taste of Edward’s favorite drink - the Kopi Luwak. Both of them had a hearty laugh and Carter crosses off one of the items in the list – “laugh till I cry” and insists Edward to finish the list without him before he enters the surgery room. The operation is unsuccessful and Carter passes on.
During Carter’s funeral, Edward was the one to deliver a eulogy for him, saying that few months before his death, they had been complete strangers. But those last months of Carter’s life (after they met each other) were the best months of his life. With that, he crosses off “help a complete stranger for a common good” in “the bucket list”.
Then we see Edward finally went to reconcile with his only daughter who accepts him back into her life, much to his surprise and joy. She also introduces him her daughter, his granddaughter that he never knew of and kissed her. Crossing “kiss the most beautiful girl in the world” off the list.
As the epilogue, we see Carter narrating stating that Edward lives to the age of 81. On the day he passes away, there isn’t a single cloud on the sky. Edward has his ashes placed inside the same type of can as Carter’s – Chock full o’ Nuts. Where Matthew carries his ashes to the top of
My dad once told me that the Bible’s teachings are very true. If someone slaps you on your left cheek, give him your right cheek too. If someone steals your coat, give him your tunic too. This should be familiar to most of us. From here I relate this to something that happened in the past.
It’s not that I like to bring up old issues but because whenever I think of that incident, my blood boils. No doubt, that incident I am talking about happened few days just after the final exam.
Introduction to Programming in C.
Students have to attend a 1 on 1 interview session with the lecturer, Sheldon Lee. Failure to do so results in a fail or N for the subject. (Or that’s what I was told)
I have no need to twist what I am going to write here. Everything happened below is true and there are many witness too.
There’s this person that I reminded him of his interview, not once but twice. The 1st time was 1 or 2 weeks before the interview and the 2nd time was the day before the interview. Either he did not believe what I told him or just couldn’t be bothered, that I don’t give a damn. The moment I asked him about it the 3rd time, he was taken aback and went to confirm it himself. Finally he believed me but that’s not all.
He put the blame on me for not telling him the THIRD time that today is the day of his interview. AND he still has the guts to tell another friend “SW, we fail programming because of him.” Deep within me, it took me so much effort to suppress the urge to retort back. Who am I, your servant? Am I paid to keep tabs of your appointments and all sorts of shit you do? NO! You are already 20 years old, and if you still can’t be responsible for yourself, nobody else can help you.
In the end, I gave in and say that it is my fault for not telling you the THIRD time that today is your interview. Yes, any human would have commented that it is a very stupid thing to do – admitting a fault that wasn’t yours to begin with.
Let me be frank, I am positive that many will assume that I am a quiet person, who always give in to other people’s will and rarely disagrees on anything even though I don’t like it. AND if you are willing to go as far as thinking that I am a good target for bullying, LET me tell this to you straight onto the face. You are wrong, so wrong.
“You weren’t wrong, why did you apologize to him?” Many questioned me that way. Sorry, but I usually give in until I believe the person that I give in to is incurable, then only I show my other self.
I give in because I follow the teachings of what I believe. If someone slaps you on your left cheek, give him your right cheek too. BUT every human has its own limit, you try stepping on my head and that is what will happen - Keyword: After MOS test 1.
Whoever is right or wrong, you know it yourself. Apology or not, it’s worthless from you. The last thing I want is to have you crossing my path. You MAY go and twist the tale and tell whatever you want if you intend to defend yourself. It has nothing to do with me anymore. I’ve finished my rant and have nothing else to say about it.
Felt so much better now. Sorry for the rant, I'll compensate by sharing these pictures :
This part of the news really makes me wonder what’s wrong with these people:
This guy is a failure:
Don’t seek advice from this person:
Wrong! :
If you are stolen…:
The picture says it:
Now this isn’t suitable to some people but… just once only ok? :
You poke you pay! :
Read this in English:

Credits to those sites that I took the pictures from, their url is in the picture.
P.S: Any destructive comments from you will be removed immediately. Not that I have no guts to face it, but rather not to waste time replying it. So save your time and just leave after reading it. You may rant somewhere else, somewhere you belong to. If you want